Policies and reports
Integrated Report 2023
PZU Group's human rights policy
The PZU Group places respect for human rights and dignity as a fundamental value of modern society. It adheres to them, guided by national and international legal regulations and internal rules of conduct regarding the protection of human rights. The PZU Group conducts its business in accordance with the principles of respect for diversity. It cares for non-discriminatory access to its services and products and builds business relationships in a transparent and fair manner.
PZU Group's environmental policy
The PZU Group is aware of the risks posed by irresponsible use of natural resources and is aware of the need for energy and climate transformation in Poland. That is why it conducts its business activities in a sustainable manner and with respect for the environment. Responding to the expectations of the market and stakeholders, it takes measures to minimize its environmental footprint.
Sustainable investment policy
PZU is focused on delivering maximum benefits to clients and shareholders, guided by the principles of sustainable development. We want our investment activities to be carried out in a sustainable manner. We believe that sustainable investing can increase investment returns, and we believe that companies with sustainable business practices and high management standards will be successful in the future.
Best Practices of PZU
Best Practices of PZU Group is a unified model of a PZU Group companies for applicable standards. Best Practices of PZU Group consists of a set of values and rules, which should be followed by all PZU Group employees.
CSR Code for PZU Group Suppliers
We expect our Suppliers to adhere to the standards and principles that we follow in our business activities. The "CSR Code for PZU Group Suppliers" is a set of rules for both PZU Group and all its Suppliers, and operating in accordance with the Code and promoting its values are important criteria for potential Supplier qualification and assessment.