Announcement on conventing the OSM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the OSM of PZU SA
Current Reports
Resolutions of the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Content of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA part I 18.06.2024
Content of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA part II 18.07.2024
Content of draft resolutions not adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of PZU SA on 18.07.2024
Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2023
The Ordinary Shareholder Meeting Materials
PZU SA Supervisory Board Report for 2023 17.06.2024
Financial statement of the PZU 2023
Report on the Audit of the Annual Financial Statements PZU SA 2023
Financial statement of the PZU Group 2023
Report on the Audit of the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements 2023
Management Board report on the activity of the PZU Group and PZU SA 2023
Non financial report ot the PZU Group and PZU SA 2023
Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2023
PZU SA Supervisory Board Report for 2023
Motion on the distribution of PZU SA's net profit
KNF's recommendations on the dividend policy of insurance companies
Discharge of members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of PZU SA for 2015
Report including proposals for assessing the suitability of the Supervisory Board of PZU SA
Proposal to amend suitability assessment rules
Motion on report on compensation for PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification on behalf of a legal person
Power-of-attorney granted by a natural person to participate in the OSM of PZU SA
Power-of-attorney granted on behalf of a legal person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Announcement on conventing the ESM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the ESM of PZU SA
Current Reports
Resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Content of resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Materials
Report including proposals for assessing the suitability of the Supervisory Board of PZU SA
Shareholder's motion to propose candidates for members of the Supervisory Board
Allianz_Shareholder's motion to propose candidates for members of the Supervisory Board
Shareholder's motion to the Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Draft resolutions of the ESM of PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification by a natural person about granting a power-of-attorney in electronic form
Authorisation granted by a natural person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Announcement on conventing the ESM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the ESM of PZU SA
Current Reports
Resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Content of resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
The Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting Materials
Shareholder's motion to the Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification by a natural person about granting a power-of-attorney in electronic form
Authorisation granted by a natural person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Announcement on conventing the OSM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the OSM of PZU SA
Current Reports
Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of PZU SA
Content of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of PZU SA
Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2022
Consolidated text of suitability assessment rules
Report on remuneration of members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of PZU SA for 2022
The Ordinary Shareholder Meeting Materials
Financial Statement of the PZU SA 2022
Report on the Audit of the Annual Financial Statements PZU SA 2022
Financial statement of the PZU Group 2022
Report on the Audit of the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements 2022
Management Boards report on the activity of the PZU Group and PZU SA 2022
Non financial report ot the PZU Group and PZU SA for the 2022
Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2022
PZU SA Supervisory Board Report for 2022
Motion on the distribution of PZU SA's net profit
KNF's recommendations on the dividend policy of insurance companies
Report on proposals for suitability assessment of the PZU SA Supervisory Board
Proposal to amend suitability assessment rules
Motion to amend PZU SA's Articles of Association
Motion to amend the Compensation Policy
Motion on report on compensation for PZU SA
Shareholder's motion to propose candidates for members of the Supervisory Board
Report on the appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board of PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification on behalf of a legal person
Power-of-attorney granted by a natural person to participate in the OSM of PZU SA
Power-of-attorney granted on behalf of a legal person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Information on the total number of shares in PZU SA
Questions and answers
Announcement on conventing the ESM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the ESM of PZU SA
Current Reports
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Materials
Shareholder's motion to propose a candidate for a Supervisory Board Member
Motion to the Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification on behalf of a legal person
Power of attorney granted by a natural person to participate in the ESM of PZU SA
Power of attorney granted on behalf of a legal person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Announcement on conventing the OSM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the OSM of PZU SA
Current Reports
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Materials
Financial Statement of the PZU SA 2021
Report on the Audit of the Annual Financial Statements PZU SA 2021
Financial statement of the PZU Group 2021
Report on the Audit of the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements 2021
Management Boards report on the activity of the PZU Group and PZU SA 2021
Non financial report ot the PZU Group and PZU SA for the 2021
Report of the PZU SA Supervisory Board on the evaluation of the PZU SA financial statements for 2020
Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2021
Opinion of Supervisory Board on Management Board Report on representation expenditures 2021
Motion on the distribution of PZU SA's net profit
KNF's recommendations on the dividend policy of insurance companies
Motion on the Report on Compensation for 2021
Report on the results of assessment of suitability
Motion to amend PZU SA's Articles of Association
Motion for application the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2021
Motion on amendment of the Bylaws of the PZU SA Shareholder Meeting
Motion on adoption of the Diversity Policy for Members of PZU SA Corporate Bodies
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification on behalf of a legal person
Power-of-attorney granted by a natural person to participate in the OSM of PZU SA
Power-of-attorney granted on behalf of a legal person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares
Announcement on conventing the ESM of PZU SA
Attachment to the announcement Specimen for anonymizing
Draft resolutions of the ESM of PZU SA
Current Reports
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Materials
Motion to the Shareholder Meeting of PZU SA
Forms for shareholders
Form for exercising voting rights through a Proxy
Notification on behalf of a legal person
Power of attorney granted by a natural person to participate in the ESM of PZU SA
Power of attorney granted on behalf of a legal person
Information on the total numer of shares in PZU SA and the numer of votes attached to these shares